Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, a dear friend of my passed away suddenly and it is still a big shock. I can't get over it. I feel for her beautiful children that will miss having a mom. I couldn't imagine how that will be. I just know it could happen to me and how would my kids be.. I know those kids will continue on with their lives and her family and their dad will take care of them.

I pray that my friend is in peace and knows how much we miss her and can't wait to see her again someday. I will remember the last time we went out. I won tickets to Prince and we went and saw him. Great show and a fun drive down there getting lost and all.

Remember life is too short and we have to not take it for granite. We could be here one minute and gone the next. You just never know..

I love ya my friend and until we meet again...

Friday, August 12, 2011


Well, I was lucky enough to win tickets from San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino to see Devo on August 4th. It was the first time I ever got to see them and it was awesome! The English Beat opened up and they were great. Bow Wow Wow came on after them and they were not so great. I don't know if it was the way they had their sound set up or what, but you couldn't hear them and overall they just weren't good. 

Devo on the other hand literally rocked the house. The floor was crazy moving and people all over the place having such a good time. I'm a big people watcher and it was great to see the different types of people that were there and how they enjoyed the show either just chillin' or getting crazy.

On August 5th I got to see them at The Grove of Anaheim courtesy of OC Weekly. I was so excited! Not only did I get to see Devo for the 1st time the night before, but I won tickets to see them again. Let me tell ya it was AWESOME! Each night I took a different friend that hadn't ever seen them in concert and they had a blast. 

Both places San Manuel and The Grove are great places to see a show and would highly recommend you seeing a show there if you haven't. 

Thank you to both places for the tickets I won and the great opportunity to see DEVO two nights in a row! Go check them out to see what they have coming up! &

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The week has been a reminder as to how short LIFE is. I lost a dear friend at the young age of 39 last weekend and I'm still in shock. She leaves behind 3 wonderful kids, husband and family. I will truly miss my friend and will be there for her kids. I love them as if they were my own. I am truly blessed to have had such a wonderful friend in my life. I thank her for all the good times and for just being a friend. I love you and it isn't good bye, but it is until we meet again. <3 ya